Project Manager Software | IM Buzz Creators

"Discover How You Can Make This Project Manager Software
100% Viral!"

And Bring In Autopilot Cash To Your Business
For Years In The Future!




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Gives Your Customers & Prospects A Viral Branded Reminder of Who You Are!

"Anyone who knows me can vouch for the fact that I hardly EVER give testimonials. But when I saw how cool, professional, and viral the IM BUZZ CREATORS software is I simply couldn't resist.

If fact, I was so excited I sent TOO much money to Calvin - which he promptly refunded.

This software is a no-brainer for anyone looking to give their customers and prospects a viral, branded reminder of who they are.

Excellent job guys!"

Jay Douglas

They Bring Something Out There Is Good Solid Value In What They're Offering!

I've been using the brandable software provided by Calvin Woon and Jonathan Teng for almost a year now, first as a user just promoting my own online business products, services and of course affiliate programs.....

Then later I started to buy the software so that I could rebrand the software programs and give them away on my own website for viral promotions.

Since then I've purchased literally EVERYTHING that they offer and I've signed up for their other membership website as well. The reason that I do this is that I know that every time they bring something out there is GOOD SOLID VALUE in what they're offering.

They aren't just trying to make buck of off people who sign up for their products and services. And best of all they offer really good personal technical support. I've never waited more than 24 hours for a reply!


Jeffrey S. Wyrick
99 Cent Web Host


From: Calvin Woon & Jonathan Teng (IM Buzz Creators)

Dear Friend,

Have you ever been in the situation whereby you had too many tasks to do and you simply could not keep track of them?

If you have, then you're not alone. I'm sure all marketers (or should I say everyone) face this consistent problem as sometimes, the amount of tasks we need to complete can get really overwhelming.


However, if you wish to be a successful marketer, certainly you need to master the art of effective time and project management skills. Having the ability to remain effectively organized can indeed save you lots of time and boost your productivity greatly.


And a higher productivity level will simply convert into more free time with your loved ones and a much bigger bank account.


Nonetheless, to stay organized at all times and being able to keep track of all our projects is extremely difficult as we are all born lazy and forgetful in a way. Not to mention having to manage multiple projects.


Now if you're looking for a quick and easy way to manage all your tasks and remain organized at all times, look no further as we have GOOD NEWS for you!


We've come up with another amazing piece of software which allows you manage your projects and boost your productivity with just a few clicks of the mouse - Project Buzz.

Project Buzz offers the easiest and fastest way to monitor and keep track of the amount of tasks/projects you have on hand. You can list down all your projects/tasks that you need to complete and never have to worry about missing your deadlines.  (it's like digital secretary!)


Lists down all the projects you have on hand and categorizes them according to the level of priority (you'll NEVER forget about any important tasks you have anymore!)
Allows you to add or delete tasks from each project and tracks the percentage of completion for each project
Keeps track of the scheduled start and end dates of each project you enter so you know exactly how much time you have left for each project
Boosts your productivity greatly and allows you to accomplish so much more
Manages your time efficiently and you'll never have to worry about keeping yourself organized ever again.
‘Calendar’ function enables you to check dates and list down your daily schedule for every single hour

And much much more...  

Maybe this tool was given to you for free or perhaps you paid something to received it. And You know that it is a very cool software that EVERY serious Internet Marketer will fancy.

But how would you like to have a chance to be able to give away this cool piece of software freely and create an avalanche of traffic to your websites and sales for your business?

If you yearn for more traffic, links, sales, income and if you are ready to take the plunge and apply one of the most powerful marketing strategy for your business, just read on...


We're allowing you to own the Master Resell Rights & 100% Rebrandable Rights to Project Buzz!


See, this amazing piece of software does not onlyallows you to manage your projects and saves you time.. With the rebranding rights which we'll allow you to own if you decide to take action fast, it makes everything...


Here's how it works... Just follow these 4 easy steps!

You can rebrand unlimited welcome pages, banners and text links which will be rotated and displayed randomly in your rebranded version. You can also change the name of the software and also the interface via the skins that we provide.

Thus, everytime someone is going to open the software a new banner and new text links will appear and hence allowing you to earn from MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME.

But there's MORE..

You also get to rebrand the 'Make Money' button found inside the software. So that whenever someone clicks on the 'Make Money' button, you get paid 100% commissions instantly to your Paypal account!

This is a crazy chance for you to make money while giving away a very useful piece of free software.

Voila! Your automated sales tool is created in 2-3 minutes! And now, you just need to...

You can give the rebranded software away and use it to explode your list or you can choose to sell it and cash the full amount for yourself. You can even submit your rebranded software to software download sites and let it be downloaded over and over again on autopilot mode.

Your advertisement will be viewed by every single person who is going to download and use your own rebranded version of Project Buzz. And through your own links and banners inside the software, this viral tool will bring you tons of traffic and sales for YEARS to come.

In other words, it will be like an automated sales agent working for you day and night... NON-STOP...

And guess what? You can also pass on the giveaway rights to others so they can help you promote your business even while you are sleeping!

This is YOUR chance of having an army of sales agents promote YOUR business for you.. FOR FREE.

You could well be looking at a paypal account or autoresponder list size like this:



Now here's a new added feature that is going to really delight you! There's now an extra communication feature inside our software rebranders which allows you to actually send messages to your rebranded software users!

This provides an excellent alternative to the traditional email marketing which is fast losing it's effectiveness due to lower email deliverability rates nowadays. And as your software gets spread across the Internet, you'll be able to reach out to a whole new group of potential prospects who're not even your subscribers in the first place!

Of course you are!

You may not know this but everyone loves FREE software. So you can be sure to keep your list of subscribers/customers/blog readers happy by giving away your own rebranded version of Project Buzz and they'll be glad to do the same thing for their own benefits too. And with the newly added communication feature added, it will simply skyrocket your online income.



Here's just a fraction of what you can do
with your OWN viral software:

Rebrand over a dozen different software titles filled with YOUR own banners and text links leading to either your own or affiliate websites
Profit by selling the software at full market value and earn the full amount. (you could well have a software business empire up and running!)
Give the rebranded software, loaded with your website links, away for free as a lead generator and watch your list EXPLODE.
Present yourself as a valuable resource to new website visitors and past customers/readers. (and make them your raving fans!)
Collect hefty commissions & sales daily when others click on your banners & text links inside the software and purchases.
Upload your rebranded software to all the giveaway and download sites and establish yourself as a market leader
Experience a surge in traffic once your software makes it's way across the Internet... and users of the software see your websites prominently displayed.
And much much more...


Made 1000% of My Money Back in Under 30 Days!

Dear Jonathan and Calvin,

Just wanted to shoot you guys a quick line. I'm a pretty successful marketer and I recently came across your product Keyword Buzz. I loved the concept so I bought a copy off of you and then within a day I rebranded it. After rebranding it I repackaged it so to speak.

Not only did my list members and my web site visitors get an awesome piece of software at an unbeatable price in which to do their keyword research with but I also made 1000% of my money back in under 30 days.

Now I'm not a rocket scientist but show me another affiliate program or rebrandable product that can do that!?! The viral aspect of the product will help it sell itself time and time again.

You guys are awesome! Keep up the good work and please keep designing software like this.


Michael Brown


Absolutely Awesome Feature That Affiliate Marketers Can't Help But Place Value On!

As an Internet affiliate marketer, the tools that the IM Buzz team developed (and continue to develop) are very useful to me. Normally, being able to find truly useful tools at such an extraordinarily reasonable price would be enough to keep me smiling.

But these software products are SO MUCH more valuable than that! The fact that these tools are designed to be GIVEN AWAY is an absolutely AWESOME feature that affiliate marketers can't help but place value on.

To get opt-ins, or to provide the extra "incentive" for a customer to buy from me vs. somebody else, I have to provide something extra -- something of value to them.

Before the Buzz Software came along, most of my bonuses were ebooks I'd acquired the rights to. I never provided anything to my customers I didn't think was good, but let's be honest -- ebooks are usually not exciting.

That's why I got so excited myself when Jon & Calvin started IM Buzz Software. Now I can provide my customers with bonuses THEY can get excited about (who doesn't love getting software bonuses?).

Not only that, I can get my customers even more excited because I can tell them that they can give these bonuses away to THEIR customers!! Now THAT's cool! And for the icing on the cake, these tools are loaded up with links that point to products I'm promoting as an affiliate!

So as these tools make their way from me to my customers, to THEIR customers, the number of affiliate links that will bring me some extra money increase exponentially! LOL!! It doesn't get much better than that!!

Thank you Jon & Calvin for coming up with this. Now if only I could figure out how to keep you from making these available to my competitors.

Scott Sutherland
Oviedo, FL


Fantastic Way To Build A Relationship With My List!

Calvin and Jonathan...

What can I say, you have really done it again. I thought I was on a winner with Keyword Buzz, not only did my keyword research go through the roof, but also my
list building has skyrocketed as a result of being able to give away this fantastic product to my prospects.

Now I also have Link Buzz and Cloaker Buzz to add to my portfolio. I am sure my list will be thankful to receive these awesome pieces of software as well. What a fantastic way to build the relationship with my list.

I can't wait to see what you come up with next.


Steve Roberts
MLM NetTrends


Bonus #1: 15 New Skins

We'll also throw in 15 additional NEW skins which can also be used to brand ALL of our IM Buzz software! Your software will look according to your preferences and you'll never be bored with the same old boring interface!

Bonus #2: One Ready Made Squeeze/Sales Page

You also get one fully customizable squeeze/sales page with graphics to our IM Buzz software which you can immediately upload to your server and use to either build your list or sell your own rebranded software.

Bonus #3: Instant access to our upgraded affiliate program 

You also gain access to our upgraded affiliate program for Project Buzz whereby you get paid instant commissions for every sale you make. And with such a high converting product, you're bound to make ALOT of sales. Make just one sale per day and you easily pocket over $1000 every single month.

You will also receive full access to our affiliate promotional tools so you can conveniently use them to make some instant cash for yourself.

Bonus #4: Lifetime Updates & Full Technical Support

You get lifetime upgrades completely free of charge. So when we add in more features as time goes by, you'll receive them without having to pay a single cent. Even when we raise the price in the future, you do not have to pay extra.

In addition, you receive full technical support for our software

If yes...

We have good news, as we  are lowering the price to $47 $37 for the next 150 87 customers only! But you need to hurry! As the price goes up the moment the first 150 copies are sold out... And with such a viral piece of software, it won't be long...

So if you are ready to take the plunge and start driving swarms of cash-in-hand visitors to your website and help your business grow virally, take action at this very moment. Just click that order link below and you'll be taken to the download page in a few minutes time..



Note: Remember to click on the 'Return to Merchant' button after you make
your payment in order to receive your download instantly.

To Your Online Success,


   Calvin Woon                   Jonathan Teng

The IM Buzz Creators

P.S. Remember, we will also reveal to you a secret on how you can easily make back your investment many times. In 20 minutes you can possibly make that $37 back 10, 100, or even 1000 times! Don't wait!

P.P.S. This is YOUR chance of turning your business completely viral and driving a TON of exposure and traffic to your websites. Can you imagine how much more profits you can make for your business? Heck! You can even get others to promote your business for you! So do not hesitate and act fast! Click here to order!


Order Project Buzz Rebranding Rights!


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Jumat, 15 Desember 2017

Pilih Kaya atau Bahagia?

Pilih Kaya atau Bahagia? Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Oleh: Agus Riyanto

Hampir setiap orang yang hidup di dunia ini pasti jika ditanya apa mereka ingin hidup kaya, pasti akan menjawab “ya”. Umumnya kita ingin hidup di dunia ini berkecukupan materi, atau bila memungkinkan inginnya kaya raya. Memiliki rumah bagus, kendaraan mewah, perhiasan, deposito yang banyak, dan lain-lain.

Sekarang masalahnya, apakah dengan hidup kaya saja kita akan merasa puas dengan apa yang kita miliki? Mungkin kita telah memiliki segala benda duniawi yang menjadi simbol kekayaan, namun sebenarnya itukah yang kita cari?

Banyak kita lihat di sekitar kita, orang-orang yang telah mencapai puncak karier dan hidupnya berlimpah harta, namun bila kita perhatikan hidup mereka bukanlah hidup yang ideal. Misalnya saja seorang menteri, gubernur, anggota DPR atau pejabat tinggi negara lainnya yang sering kita lihat di berita televisi. Karier mereka sudah sampai puncak dan hidup mereka berlimpah harta, namun tiba-tiba kita dikejutkan dengan berita penangkapan mereka oleh KPK atau pihak yang berwajib. Ternyata mereka telah melakukan tindak pidana korupsi atau tindakan tidak terpuji lainnya yang merugikan negara dengan jumlah besar.

Atau mungkin seorang pengusaha yang pasti hidupnya berlimpah harta namun selalu merasa tidak tenang karena dikejar-kejar polisi. Kekayaan yang ia d
... baca selengkapnya di Pilih Kaya atau Bahagia? Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Sabtu, 04 November 2017


JUNGKIR BALIK MORALITAS UAN Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

06 Mei 2008 – 10:20   (Diposting oleh: Editor)

”Para guru di sejumlah sekolah tahu dan bahkan ikut menyebarkan kunci jawaban pada murid-muridnya saat Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN). Sementara mekanisme distribusi soal yang selama ini disebut aman, setidaknya dalam empat tahun belakangan bisa ditembus para penyedia kunci jawaban soal yang menjualnya hingga Rp 6 juta per paket.”

Itulah isi tayangan Investigasi Trans TV yang ditayangkan pada sore hari tanggal 26 April 2008. Pernyataan bahwa kecil kemungkinannya soal UAN bisa bocor oleh pejabat dinas di Jakarta Selatan seketika terbantahkan oleh hasil pelacakan yang mendapatkan pernyataan dari penjual kunci soal.

Bahwa selama empat tahun belakangan ini, dia dan rekan-rekannya bisa mendapatkan bocoran soal yang didistribusikan ke sekolah siswa yang memesan kunci jawaban. Mereka mengaku bisa mendapat soal yang entah dengan cara bagaimana bisa dikeluarkan oleh kurir.

Titik lemahnya tampaknya pada soal dikirim ke sekolah sehari sebelum ujian dilaksanakan. Kelompok penjual kunci jawaban mendapatkan bendel soal pada pagi hari tepat sebelum disajikan di ruang ujian. ”Kami langsung mengerjakan soal dan mengirimnya ke konsumen lewat SMS, sekitar 1,5 jam sebelum ujian.”

Sekitar 10 penyedia jasa yang dalam gambar terlihat mengerjakan bersama soal UAN itu mengaku mendapatkan klien dari pa
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Selasa, 20 Desember 2016

Wiro Sableng #151 : Sang Pembunuh

Wiro Sableng #151 : Sang Pembunuh Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1WIRO SABLENG

Pendekar Kapak Maut Naga Geni 212

Karya: Bastian Tito

Episode : DADU SETAN


DI UFUK barat cahaya sang surya mulai memudar. Warnanya yang putih benderang perlahan-lahan berubah kuning kemerahan pertanda tak selang berapa lama lagi akan memasuki titik tenggelam. Cahaya kuning ini menyaput sebuah bukit batu di selatan Losari yang puncaknya berbentuk aneh yaitu merupakan dua buah dinding tinggi pipih dan saling terpisah hanya sejarak satu jari. Jika angin bertiup melewati celah maka akan terdengar suara seperti tiupan seruling. Penduduk desa sekitar kaki bukit menganggap bukit itu angker. Boleh dikatakan tak ada seorangpun yang berani menginjakkan kaki di sekitar kaki bukit dan mereka memberi nama bukit itu Bukit Batu Bersuling.

Pada petang menjelang senja itu empat orang kelihatan berkelebat dari arah timur. Gerakan mereka luar biasa cepat dan nyaris tanpa suara. Pertanda mereka adalah orang-orang rimba persilatan berkepandaian tinggi. Di depan sekali Rayi Jantra, bertindak sebagai penunjuk jalan. Lelaki muda yang masih menjabat Kepala Pasukan Kadipaten Losari ini berkat pengobatan yang diberikan Purnama, dalam waktu dua hari mengalami kesembuhan dari cidera yan
... baca selengkapnya di Wiro Sableng #151 : Sang Pembunuh Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Senin, 24 Oktober 2016

Space Time (Perjalanan Ruang dan Waktu)

Space Time (Perjalanan Ruang dan Waktu) Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Januari 2015, NASA bekerja sama dengan beberapa lembaga Antariksa Asia untuk misi penelitian ke planet Mars dengan mengirimkan tiga orang astronot. Aku mewakili LAPAN untuk bergabung bersama aliansi NASA. Aku adalah seorang ilmuwan LAPAN (lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional) di bidang astronautic engineering, Aku dan dua Astronot lain yakni James ahli Astrobiologi dari NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) dan Hiro ahli Geologi dari JAXA (Japan Aerospace Eksploration Agency) Ditugaskan untuk misi penelitian ke planet Mars, sebuah misi impian umat manusia.

Pagi itu Istriku membangunkanku untuk berangkat menuju markas pusat NASA.
“Ayah… sekarang kau harus berangkat ke markas, dua hari lagi keberangkatanmu, ayo bangun..!!”. kata Istriku membangunkanku yang tengah tergeletak di tempat tidurku, seolah Aku lupa kalau dua hari lagi Aku berangkat ke suatu tempat jauh, yang disebut Mars.
“Astaga.. Aku lupa. apa kau sudah bersiap ma?”
“sudah dari tadi, yang mau berangkat misi itu kamu, bukan Aku. tapi dilihat dirimu, ayolah”
“iya iya, tunggu sebentar.” Aku lekas menuju kamar mandi.

Kami pun berangkat ke
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Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016


BERITA + DATA = KAYA Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

01 Pebruari 2007 – 07:55 (Her Suharyanto)   Diposting oleh: Editor

(Rate: 0 / 0 votes) Serial News for Wealth

Dalam jurnalistik ada satu (dari sekian banyak) kriteria untuk menentukan apakah satu peristiwa layak berita atau tidak. Kriteria itu adalah besarnya dampak atau magnitude dari berita itu. Semakin berita memiliki dampak besar, semakin besar pula nilai berita itu. Maka berita Tsunami di Aceh di penghujung tahun 1994 atau gempa bumi di Yogyakarta dan Klaten tahun 2006 masuk kategori berita besar, karena besarnya dampak yang ditimbulkannya.

Dalam diskusi kita mengenai dampak ekonomi dari satu berita berikut apa hubungannya dengan kita, tidak bisa lain kita harus juga berpikir mengenai magnitude. Lebih spesifik lagi, pertanyaan yang pantas kita majukan adalah, apa dampak dari satu peristiwa terhadap ekonomi. Mau lebih spesifik lagi? Mari kita bertanya, apa dampak dari satu peristiwa terhadap pasar. Hanya dengan mengetahui dampak dari satu peristiwa terhadap pasar kita bisa mengambil manfaat dari peristiwa itu.

Penawaran dan Permintaan Dalam bahasa teknis, berbicara mengenai pasar berarti kita berbicara mengenai permintaan dan penawaran. Kalau kita berbicara mengenai perubahan pasar, maka kita berbicara salah satu dari keduanya, atau kedua-duanya. Kita ambil saja contoh yang pernah dikemukakan sebelumnya. Fakta y
... baca selengkapnya di BERITA + DATA = KAYA Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor Satu

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016


Mimpi Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

Kata orang,kehidupan itu seperti mimpi. Sekejap saja, lalu ia berlalu pergi. Maka, sebagian orang menjalani kehidupannya dalam mimpi—berada di atas lalu jatuh ke bawah lagi, bangkit, lalu naik ke atas lagi.Jika hari ini ia bermimpi berada di selokan, maka keesokan harinya, bangunlah ia di atas tempat tidur sang Raja,ketika ia terbangun dari mimpinya di ranjang, ia menemukan dirinya kembali ke selokan. Begitu terus, rangkaian takdir yang tak pernah putus.

Lalu, mengapa aku tak boleh bermimpi? Apakah, karena mereka takut, aku tidak akan terbangun di tempat tidur sang Raja, namun, di tumpukan kardus sederhana ini? Tapi, setiap orang punya hak untuk bermimpi, karena mimpilah yang membebaskan nurani dari kenyataan yang menghimpit, angan-anganlah yang melepaskan pikiran dari kenyataan yang pahit. Kenyataan yang dihadapi sang pemimpi di selokan tadi.

Tapi, betapa mahalnya harga sebuah mimpi. Setiap kali aku mengucapkan ‘mimpi’, maka hanya akan caci maki yang kudapat. Ya, mimpi yang harusnya membebaskan nurani dari kenyataan yang menghimpit, malah menjadi terhimpit oleh kenyataan itu sendiri. Terlalu banyak bermimpi, kata orang. Tetapi, adakah sebuah batasan untuk mimpi? Jika kita membatasi impian kita hanya untuk mencari benua lain di dunia ini, akankah kita mencapai bulan saat ini?

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Senin, 26 September 2016

Membangun Karisma

Membangun Karisma Cerita Motivasi dan Inspirasi Nomor 1

“Charisma is a sparkle in people that money can’t buy. It’s an invisible energy with visible effects. – Karisma adalah cahaya seseorang yang tak ternilai dengan materi. Karisma adalah energi yang tak terlihat tetapi memberi dampak nyata.” Marianne Williamson aktifis spiritual, penulis, dosen dan pendiri The Peace Alliance di Amerika Serikat.

Pasti kita pernah mendengar istilah orang yang penuh karisma, yaitu orang yang memiliki daya tarik luar biasa. Aura kehadiran maupun kata-katanya begitu berpengaruh dan menarik. Orang-orang berkarisma itu ada di berbagai bidang, contohnya Soekarno (politik), Dalai Lama (spiritual), Bunda Theresia (spiritual & kemanusiaan), Warren Buffet (bisnis), Leonardo Da Vinci (seni dan budaya), dan masih banyak lagi.

Orang yang berkarisma seperti itu mampu menjadi pusat perhatian yang begitu dikagumi banyak orang, padahal penampilan mereka tak berbeda dengan kebanyakan orang. Ada sebagian orang mengatakan bahwa karisma itu merupakan bakat alamiah. Namun sebenarnya siapapun dapat membangun karisma, yaitu de
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